Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Washin'ton -n- Dave

Well, this is old news by now but I just recently got pictures of the road trip I took to Washington with my dear friend Allison Mumford and some of her friends who are now also some of my friends too. We drove to Washington and camped at Moses Lake for to see the Dave matthews concert at "The Gorge". Im not a big concert man but I really liked this concert. No one blocked my view, the nature was breathtaking (look left and theres a sunset, look right and theres a rainbow, look down and there is a pretty gorge, look straight and someone is blowing your mind with some tunage) and the company was pleasant to say the least. Highlights: road trippin' through OREGON. getting rained on for 4 hours before the concert. going to a random church alone and teaching a guy about the true gospel restored on the earth today. wind storm that ripped through one of our tents. catching crawdads by myself when everyone else went to the second concert. pudding. riding with the top down in the convertible. seeing some of the band members close up before the show. um.... thats all i can think of right now. It was good. Oh, there has been a lot more camping and splunking lately too. I could probably just live in the woods and sleep in caves my whole life... if it ever had to come to that..


Brenda Janda said...

Cool pics Adam. Way fun.

Shmacque said...

Woah, when did you meet Justin Timberlake.... Oh, no, wait... that's you. ;) So I am glad to find out my family aren't the only ones who like to catch Crawdads!! (Love to catch them, won't eat them) Looks like you had fun.

Cody said...

I kept looking for pictures of Dave Cochran on here until I was like, Mathews! It's Dave Mathews you dummy!

The Corbridges said...

Your blog looks awesome! Now will you design one for us? jk... well, kindof. It looks way good though. I love looking at all of your pics of the awesome places you've gone. It looks like you're having so much fun. :)